Thursday, March 5, 2020

The After Math

It has been just a few years since the death of Macbeth and Malcolm has been crowned the new King of Scotland. I am back to my rightful place as Queen of the witches. I am in charge of any spells and prophecies that are spoken. It feels good to not be so in the shadows anymore. We had a  short drop off of people wanting to hear their prophecies due to the Macbeth incident but it picked right back up again when we did a BOGO deal for a love spell and a prophecy. I have become less bitter now towards the witches and I would say we all get along quite well after I got over my control issues and let go to the reigns a little. I plan to have the witches and I be involved in more things throughout the kingdom and not to be hiding in the shadows all of the time. We will be living much closer with royalty as they will value our gifts more and stop calling us ugly hags. -BG

The End for Macbeth

Well my predictions were right about Macbeth's path and how it would lead to his end. The witches and I gave him a prophecy that no man born of women could defeat him, but that Macduff would be a problem for him. Plot twist! Macduff was born from a c-section technically not a woman! So he kills Macbeth and chops his head off and brings it back to the castle to show it off. After Macbeth is killed Malcolm is given his rightful position as King! I hate to say I told you so Macbeth, but I did tell you your wife would be taken from you and your throne. I think that Scotland will thrive and be in peace with Malcolm as the new King but we must not forget that Banquo's children are fated to rule as well. I predict in the near future Malcolm may have a short but successful reign, and Banquo's son Fleance will rule next. -BG

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The End is Near!

I have been in the shadows this entire time and I still know everything. My involvement may not be direct but it is important as I have a strong influence. I worry about Malcolm and Macduff coming back and how Macbeth will react to that. I know for certain that it will not be good and I would not be surprised if he killed them both. Poor Macduff lost his entire family and seems like he does not have much to come back to in Scotland. I also have worries for Lady Macbeth and her sleepwalking. It won't be long before she spills all of her secrets, more than she has already... but of course my main concern will always be if the witches continue to keep their word and include me in their spells.

I hope that the prophecy stays true to Macbeth but no more women and children are killed, that is where I draw the line. I do think that Macbeth will kill anyone in his way of the throne, and to him, lives of innocent children are not as important. I fear that due to his decisions as of late, his reign may be coming to an end... -BG

Friday, February 28, 2020

Poor Macduffs

Macbeth went back to my witches to seek more prophecies and to see his future. I'd imagine he was very pleased with the outcome to hear that there are no real threats to him because he will not be harmed by anyone born from a female. Except for the one that says Macduff is out to get him. This did not lead to anything good because the first thing Macbeth does is send out the murderers once again to kill Lady Macduff and her son! Macbeth is becoming more power hungry by the second and I'm not sure if even I can agree with his actions now. Also Macduff has gone to England to bring Malcolm back but he seems even worse than Macbeth which is saying something now! I am unsure if Malcolm will come back but I do hope now that Macduff stays far away or he will be next on Macbeth's body count. If he was willing to kill his wife and children he is most certainly prepared to kill Macduff himself. The only thing standing in my way of my rightful place as queen of the witches is the witches themselves! I will do whatever it takes to have my voice heard! -BG 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Most Entertaining Dinner Party By Far

I for one am a huge fan for Banquo's haunting of Macbeth at the dinner party. He made an absolute fool of himself to the rest of the lords for talking directly to Banquo when he is the only one that actually sees him. Serves him right for attempting to ruin the prophecy by killing Fleance. Also what about Macbeth getting sleep, pretty sure he might be going insane. But in more important news I finally confronted the witches and told them off about them doing spells without me! They say they are going to cooperate and take my ideas... hopefully they stay truthful to that or there could be consequences in their near future. My return to my title as queen of the witches leaves me feeling as Macbeth might have felt when he was being crowned king. I am in my rightful place and I deserve to be here! -BG 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Waiting Sucks

I am not doing so well. I still not have received my chance to stand up to the witches for betraying me! I am not sure how much longer I can withstand this and hiding in the shadows. When my time finally does come there's no telling what I'll do! I worry that my chance of being revealed to the world and to the witches will come too late before they have ruined everything. I look forward to confronting the witches the most and my other plans for my title as queen of the witches are a secret... and shall be revealed when the time has come. To best describe it said by Macbeth, "Ere the bat hath flown his cloistered flight, ere to black Hecate's summons the shard-borne beetle with his drowsy hums hath rung night's yawning peal, there shall be done a deed of dreadful note." The plans for the prophecy are slowly being carried out by the puppets of the witches. Macbeth attempts to kill Banquo's son Fleance, but the witches have done something right finally in ensuring that Fleance escaped, while Banquo is murdered. The prophecy has been filled and things are going accordingly so far... -BG

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The King is Dead

After King Duncan was successfully killed by future King Macbeth, both of Duncan's sons flee to separate countries for fear of being blamed for their fathers death. And surprisingly Macbeth pulled it off himself! I am very happy to hear that he was capable without the need of his wife. Anyhow I think i am perfectly happy staying put exactly where I am so that I can hear and see all things that are happening. It keeps me in the loop and prepares me for my big reveal that shall come soon. All I want most is to be seen for my true role as queen of the witches! I will stop at nothing to get what I want. Those warped toad-spotted witches should prepare themselves! -BG