Thursday, March 5, 2020

The End for Macbeth

Well my predictions were right about Macbeth's path and how it would lead to his end. The witches and I gave him a prophecy that no man born of women could defeat him, but that Macduff would be a problem for him. Plot twist! Macduff was born from a c-section technically not a woman! So he kills Macbeth and chops his head off and brings it back to the castle to show it off. After Macbeth is killed Malcolm is given his rightful position as King! I hate to say I told you so Macbeth, but I did tell you your wife would be taken from you and your throne. I think that Scotland will thrive and be in peace with Malcolm as the new King but we must not forget that Banquo's children are fated to rule as well. I predict in the near future Malcolm may have a short but successful reign, and Banquo's son Fleance will rule next. -BG

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