Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Most Entertaining Dinner Party By Far

I for one am a huge fan for Banquo's haunting of Macbeth at the dinner party. He made an absolute fool of himself to the rest of the lords for talking directly to Banquo when he is the only one that actually sees him. Serves him right for attempting to ruin the prophecy by killing Fleance. Also what about Macbeth getting sleep, pretty sure he might be going insane. But in more important news I finally confronted the witches and told them off about them doing spells without me! They say they are going to cooperate and take my ideas... hopefully they stay truthful to that or there could be consequences in their near future. My return to my title as queen of the witches leaves me feeling as Macbeth might have felt when he was being crowned king. I am in my rightful place and I deserve to be here! -BG 


First Witch said...

Heyyyy girl we are so sorry about leaving you out! Hopefully you accept our apology and will humbly join us at the Cauldron later!

Banquo said...

So happy for you to be working with the witches. I'm glad you appreciated the humiliating of Macbeth as much as I did.