Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The End is Near!

I have been in the shadows this entire time and I still know everything. My involvement may not be direct but it is important as I have a strong influence. I worry about Malcolm and Macduff coming back and how Macbeth will react to that. I know for certain that it will not be good and I would not be surprised if he killed them both. Poor Macduff lost his entire family and seems like he does not have much to come back to in Scotland. I also have worries for Lady Macbeth and her sleepwalking. It won't be long before she spills all of her secrets, more than she has already... but of course my main concern will always be if the witches continue to keep their word and include me in their spells.

I hope that the prophecy stays true to Macbeth but no more women and children are killed, that is where I draw the line. I do think that Macbeth will kill anyone in his way of the throne, and to him, lives of innocent children are not as important. I fear that due to his decisions as of late, his reign may be coming to an end... -BG

1 comment:

Lady Macduff said...

I understand about being in the shadows, as I have been at home caring for Macduffs' children while he is off having fun and getting me killed, but it's whatever. I can't believe that Macbeth was talking to those witches!