Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Witches No Longer Need Me

So I have found out that the witches have decided to start doing spells without me. What a disappointment that is. If they think they can get away with this without any consequences they've got a big storm coming! Also apparently the King is deciding that Malcolm is going to be the next King, I just feel bad for the poor sucker because the prophecy given by the witches clearly says that Macbeth is already set to be the next ruler (which I'm still mad about them doing it without me by the way). Oh well not my problem. It will be interesting to see if Macbeth gets a grip and does what he needs to do or if all of the work will have to be done by the witches. -BG


Ms. May said...

Those sneaky witches... I think you're right about the issues with Malcolm and Macbeth. Should be interesting, indeed!

Hecate said...

I sure hope so, I can't wait for my chance in the spotlight.